Rolling Stones

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Perceiving Reality

I had wanted to pen down this blog much before, but got time now..
During some recent days, I had perceived a feeling which I feel had given me a touch to reality. No matter how open u r, no matter how u treat the mob, no matter how u feel within,, The people around u may have their own rules of classification.. I guess its a nice time for me to accept this truth, and be ready to face the similar challenges when stepping into the real world after this educational phase..
The discrimination in thinking of people persist, even in an institute like IIT. Discrimination by region, discrimination by language, discrimination by group, etc.. Although this feeling of mine had find a place in my blog, but to its +ve side, I am happy that there arent many people like this and such people can be counted on fingers, but still... there are some people who still discriminate.. No guess, Why??
I had always tried to walk together with the folks and always kept the feeling of humanity with the pals,, but had realized this harsh truth that this is something that not all likes.. Again,, No guess Why??
But it still gives me courage.. that I had gathered more appreciators around me than any common man have, and I know the way I go with people, meeting with equality, will be doing its effect in someway or the other to the ones who doesnt care for it !!
May we all always live in a world with equality,, and May we all contribute to this !!
[If u had read this, Please do not ask me the motivation for this blog. Thanks. ]


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